Youth at Crossroad

The CIC Youth is made up of young people in grades 7 through 12, and the adults that support them.

Youth come from a variety of schools across Kuwait, public, private and home schooled. Most are members of CIC; some are not.

Meetings are held on Thursday evenings from 5-7:30, and typically include dinner. We attempt to balance our program by focusing on building relationships, growing in our walk with God, and sharing some of the challenges we all face living here in Kuwait.

For more information on location and leadership team, please inquire with someone on our welcome team or fill out a connect card below and someone will be in touch with you shortly. 

Current Study

Philippians is a favorite book of the Bible for teens of all ages—great for those who don’t know the Lord and treasured by those who’ve walked with him since they were young. This study equips students to “shine as lights in the world,” “hold fast to the word of life,” and “count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Jesus Christ our Lord.”

The first six sessions focus on learning Bible study skills while learning life-changing truths. Your student will never read the Bible the same way again!

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